The Project
Over the last couple of years a few members of the Rumpus Team have, slowly but surely, been squirrelling away on their very own idents. The brief was to create a short animation anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds, on the vague theme of What a RUMPUS!
We wanted these shorts to give the animators individual styles a moment in the spotlight. We are a small and very busy studio so it’s often tricky to squeeze in passion projects, we’re so flipping pleased that the idents are finally getting all polished up!
Doom is about a simple guitar session gone mad. The intense riffs build up to the point of combustion and our guitarist becomes one with the music.
Marta’s Ident came from a couple of sketches of guitars and conversations she had with Joe about metal where she was challenged to animate “something swirly”
DOOM is animated in Toonboom and comped in After Effects. Here is the rough pencil animation.
Speaking of Swirly …
Behold – the Rumpus metal logo!

Design, Animation and Direction: Marta Dias
Compositing: Jack Churchill
Music: Adam Ringo Lowe
Produced by RUMPUS!