The Project
Over the last couple of years a few members of the Rumpus Team have, slowly but surely, been squirrelling away on their very own idents. The brief was to create a short animation anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds, on the vague theme of What a RUMPUS!
We wanted these shorts to give the animators individual styles a moment in the spotlight. We are a small and very busy studio so it’s often tricky to squeeze in passion projects, we’re so flipping pleased that the idents are finally getting all polished up!
In this fun hybrid short, Tom Cushing has brought us a wobbly little gnome and their beloved strawberry. Tom and Rumpus share a love of pipe smoking garden gnomes, especially when they’re relaxing on a toadstool, playing an accordion or maybe drinking a delicious Gnome Ale.
Tom loves experimenting with mediums, they mixed 3D and 2D to bring this tale of lost love to life.

Tom used Adobe Animate for the gnome and worm and Blender to sculpt and animate the strawberry and environment.

Here’s their early gnome sketches and Blender renders:
Design, Animation and Direction: Tom Cushing
Compositing: Jack Churchill
Sound: Patrick Henchman
Produced by RUMPUS!